Hoover Gift Guide 2020

Picking the perfect gift for someone can be a challenging task. But picking the perfect cleaning machine for someone? Gifting a vacuum cleaner or carpet cleaner usually isn't the top of mind when thinking about what to get someone - but, sometimes, it's the perfect gift! If you've decided a cleaner is the way to go for someone special, but you're feeling completely lost in the vacuum aisle, or maybe not quite sure which carpet cleaner is the right one, or even just curious where to even start, this post is for you. Or, if you're looking to treat yourself to a new cleaning machine this holiday season, this one is for you, too!

Let's kick things off with our latest and greatest vacuum cleaner: the HEPA Cordless upright vacuum.

You may or may not have already read about bagged vacuums versus bagless vacuums (if not, check it out here!) but there's a reason why these "traditional" vacuum models are on their comeback tour in the cleaning world.

  • We cannot overstate the cordless feature enough. Sometimes you just need to pick up and go when the cleaning bug strikes, you know? Or when a mess forces your hand. Whichever situation, this vacuum goes right where you need it, all without the hassle of a cord.
  • People are always talking about HEPA*, but that's for good reason! The absolute last thing you want after doing a sweep on your carpets is for that same dirt to end up back into the air in your home.  This vacuum does a great job at that – after all, HEPA is in the name! HEPA filtration, which is short for High Efficiency Particulate Air (sounds scary, but hang with us for a second) just basically means the filtration of the machine traps 99.97% of particles. In short: if it's got a HEPA element to it, whether in the bag or a filter in the vacuum, it's going to do a great job of trapping debris you can and can't see.  

Think this bagged vacuum is the perfect gift? Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if the person you have in mind really is destined for this upright:

  • Do they struggle with allergies and are they pretty...sneezy?
  • Do they have a serious aversion to all things dust, dirt, and hair?
  • Have they always valued the phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it?"


Next up, another one of our newest products, and certainly one of our favorites around the office – or home, as we call it these days: the Evolve Pet. Don't be fooled by this vacuum's appearance: while it looks like a stick vacuum, this cordless powerhouse will quickly become a favorite staple in anyone's cleaning routine. It's designed to tackle every day messes quickly and easily. Has someone on your gift list recently mentioned upgrading their vacuum, or perhaps you've overheard them complaining about how heavy/cumbersome their current vacuum is? Then Evolve might be the perfect gift for them!

  • This cordless vacuum is the definition of "don't judge a book by its cover." For example: this top-notch piece of cleaning technology weighs 9 pounds. For context, that's the same weight as a gallon of milk!
  • It also has the power and capacity of a full sized upright vacuum - no joke, this mighty machine can hold up to 3 times the mess as a stick vacuum.

But really, what makes the Evolve Pet a good gift idea? It's not a stick vacuum or an upright vacuum. It's the best of both in one.


The last vacuum in our vacuum lineup is Blade Max. When it comes to ultimate ease of use and ready-to-go mobility, there really isn't a better vacuum than the Blade Max. Not only is this a great gift idea for someone who doesn't like heavy upright vacuums, but it is perfect for any size home, large or small. But what other reasons are there for gifting a Blade Max this Holiday season?

  • It's battery life goes up to 45 minutes – which is way more than you'll need. But even if you're going on an all-out cleaning spree and need more time, the battery isn't built in to the machine – it can be easily removed and swapped out, so you can clean for as long as you need without charging in between.
  • It has this really neat thing called Dual Cyclonic DustVault™ Technology. What does that mean for the recipient of this vacuum as a gift? It means they can clean confidently, knowing that over 99% of all dust and dirt particles are being captured without any loss of suction. 
  • While Blade Max is great in any size home, it's lightweight design and portability makes it great for on-the-go type people who like to keep moving, making it the perfect gift for new home owners and apartment renters.


The Steam Complete Pet is a hard floor steamer that may not be top of mind when thinking of a new cleaning machine to gift someone, or to yourself. But trust us, this steamer will become an instant favorite in your cleaning arsenal.

  • Steam Complete Pet is technically a 10-in-1 steamer. Let that sink in. This light and slim machine can become ten different cleaning machines by just swapping the add-on tools or taking the tank with you. But hold on - it gets better.  
  • All you need is water. Seriously – using this thing and cleaning it up afterward is ridiculously simple. (As it should be!)
  • This steamer is absolutely perfect for a variety of people. Do you have a parent or friend that is still using a mop and bucket to clean their floors? (Seriously, stop reading this and order them this steamer – the mop and bucket is a cry for help.) Does the person you're shopping for prefer more all-natural, holistic cleaning methods for their home? Or are they a "most bang for the buck" kinda person? This steamer is perfect for all of the above.

Everyone loves a good bite sized version of the big guys, and our portable carpet cleaner, Spotless GO, is no different. It'll suck up the mess and leave your carpets just as refreshed like the big machines. Having this around makes cleaning up a sudden spill or newly discovered stain zero stress.


Plus, one word: CORDLESS. It's 2020, why are cords still a thing when there are powerful cord-free alternatives? Take it to the rug, the couch, or the car – anywhere there's a stain, it can be there with no hassle.


Seriously, this machine is a no-brainer gift for anyone. Does the person you're shopping for have a knack for being a bit of a klutz, or a messy hobbyist? Do they have a new baby or puppy in the house? Or really any kids or pets? Do they always mention that one stubborn couch stain that they want to deal with but don't know how? Boom: Spotless Go in their stocking.

Last but definitely not least is the big guy: SmartWash Pet.


Did you know that close to fifty percent of homes have mostly carpet covered floors? Whether this describes your home or not, chances are it does for somebody on your holiday gift list. Not only are carpet washers a fantastic addition to a cleaning routine for homes with lots of carpeting, they're a great gift idea, especially if that home is welcoming a new addition to the family – furry or otherwise! Here are some reasons why we recommend the SmartWash Pet for your Holiday Gift List:

  • It's easy to use. Seriously - just push forward to clean and pull back to dry. With a "Dry Only" function as well, you can go from cleaning to removing excess water with the press of a button. Plus, it has this feature called Auto Mix that mixes the solution for you so you never have to guess how much to put down on your carpets.
  • One really unique thing about SmartWash Pet is its Spot Chaser Pretreat Wand. It's a quick release wand that detaches from the machine so you can freely go and pretreat any tough stains, making them less tough while saving you time.


What makes a great gift, especially during the holidays? A vacuum or carpet cleaner may not be your first idea, but don't count it out. After all, when you're giving someone a gift, you're giving them more than just a tangible object. You're letting them know that you care about and appreciate them. And there's something about giving the gift of making someone's life - and their cleaning routine - just a little bit easier.